Mr. Pavel Tatyanin is a recognized investment and corporate finance professional with an international M&A, corporate finance background. Mr. Pavel Tatyanin is a Managing Partner of Clifford Street Advisors (CSA), a London-based investment advisory firm. Prior to that, for 7+ years Mr. Pavel Tatyanin was the Chief Financial Officer of a major industrial FTSE 100 listed business with institutional investor base comprising of top-notch US, UK, EU and South East Asian investors (JP Morgan AM, Goldman Sachs AM, Legal & General, Threadneedle AM, Fidelity, Carlyle, Capital International, Templeton, etc). Mr. Tatyanin received a Master of International Business degree with distinction from Moscow State University in 1997 and joined the investment banking team at Deutsche Bank as Vice President covering industrial and real estate clients with a particular focus on growth equity and M&A perspective.